The company were about to announce mass job losses around the world. A sensitive subject that needed a simple approach. The main message directed people to use an employee assistance programme (EAP), a benefit provided to all employees.
Above: Handy QR codes were on the printed posters to make it easy for people to contact their provider directly depending on what region they were in. Keeping the message consistent and changing the contact details highlighted in coral.
Below: An advert that appeared on the front page of the intranet.
Back to the office
COVID restrictions were lifted and the message was to encourage people back into the office. Rather than coming across as a mandate, the approach was to be light hearted and fun with a focus on the positive aspects of being in a physical office. 
'The office is back' was used as a graphic device to pull these together. This device was amended depending on what country. The sandy colour was used for general use and the green ones were specific to different regions and were translated into Spanish, German and Portuguese for offices in Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Mexico and Zurich.
Email image banners were created for each region to send personalised information out.
Here are some examples of concepts that were presented.
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